Genoveva Vargas

AICCSA 2019 – Doctoral Symposium Keynote Speaker
From graduate school to professional life: preparing a long journey
By Genoveva Vargas-Solar
French Council of Scientific Research, LIG-LAFMIA Labs, France
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Long studies and particularly PhD, imply being ready to perform an exciting journey that leads to unexpected places. It is a personal experience that imposes courage, patience and discipline but above all it is a human experience that calls for intellectual ambition, and humility. As any important personal adventure, the journey must be thoroughly prepared beforehand according to one’s own expectations, objectives and motivation. Of course, as any plan, it will be adjusted as events come up and as the individual discovers new opportunities and weaves them with a personal life. This talk points out, as a travel guide, practical information about things that should be considered during PhD for preparing ones own personal strategy to have access to the « best » opportunities when planning and starting a professional career.

Biography: Genoveva Vargas-Solar ( is senior scientist of the French Council of Scientific Research (CNRS) and she is member of the HADAS group of the Informatics Laboratory of Grenoble, France. Since 2008, she is deputy director the Franco-Mexican Laboratory of Informatics and Automatic Control (LAFMIA) an international research unit established at CINVESTAV. She is regular member of the Mexican Academia of Computing.

In 2014 she obtained her Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR - tenure) from University of Grenoble. In 2000, she obtained her first PhD degree in Computer Science at University Joseph Fourier and in 2005 she obtained her second PhD degree in Literature at University Stendhal. In 1997 she obtained her first Master Degree in Computer Science at University Joseph Fourier and in 1998 she obtained her second Master Degree in Compared Literature at University Stendhal. She did her undergraduate studies on Computer Systems Engineering at Universidad de las Américas in Puebla.

Her research interests in Computer Science concern distributed and heterogeneous databases, reflexive systems and service based database systems. Particularly, she contributes to the construction of service based database management systems. The objective is to design data management services guided by Service Level Agreements (SLA) to provide methodologies, algorithms and tools for integrating, deploying and executing a service oriented data management functions. Quality of service criteria and behaviour properties included in SLA are adapted to applications requirements (e.g., transactional execution, reliability, fault tolerance, evolution and dynamic adaptability). She conducts fundamental and applied research activities for addressing these challenges on different architectures ARM, raspberry, cluster, cloud, and HPC. She has applied her results to e-Science applications in Astronomy, Biology, social sciences, industry 4.0.

Her research interests in Literature concern middle age Literature, myths’ critics and myths’ analysis applied to different myths of origins. She has coordinated several research projects in Europe and Latin America financed by governments and industrial partners. She actively promotes the scientific cooperation in Computer Science between Latin America and Europe particularly between France and Mexico.